The club is based in East Kilbride, near Glasgow in central Scotland. We walk on every second Saturday, rain, hail or shine!   

Our walks take us as far north as Glencoe - and in the south to the lakes and hills of the Lake District in Cumbria. The coach leaves from the John Wright Sports Centre car park at 9.00am and it returns at approx. 6.30pm. During our journey, for some fun, we have a raffle with a few prizes.  

On each of our days-out, we  always have two guided walks – a high and a low walk, for different abilities. Everyone must be equipped with the proper gear ie, walking boots and waterproof clothing. They should also bring a packed lunch in a small day rucksack and a change of clothing in a bag to leave on the bus.  


The cost for the day-out is £15 for members and £17 for visitors.

Booking-On for the walks is done online.

If you want to attend the walk:

Click here:

...... then just write your name in the Subject line.

 ..... then click "send"

This must be done on the Tuesday previous to the walk before 9.00pm.

  Who are we?

Contact -

  Current News

Next Walk

                  DATE            LEVEL         FROM                 TO             

                 3 February            High           Kelly Cut            Wemyss Bay                                

                                                   Low         Greenock Cut      Wemyss Bay                                      

                                                LENGTH           HEIGHT

               High Walk              9.5 mls             500ft (mostly downhill)

               Low Walk               7.0 mls             500ft (mostly downhill)

                                          Signing on Date

                         Saturday, 27 January -


                         Tuesday, 30 January


